What to Expect

People come to Hope dressed in everything from coats and ties to jeans (and the two weeks out of the year that it's warm enough, shorts). Come as you are!
We try to achieve a blend from some of the newest worship songs to some of the most familiar hymns. Since our worship service is done in a dual language, both English and Spanish, we worship in both languages. So, feel free to sing in whichever language you prefer. Visit our Worship Page for more information.
There is an information table at the main entrance staffed by friendly people who can answer any questions that you may have. If you have any additional questions, please email us at church_office@monticellohope.com

By the way...

When you join, we would love to connect with you after your visit. Please fill out the connection card you will find in your worship bulletin. We won't show up on your doorstep (unless you ask) or spam your email. We simply want a chance to pray for you and thank you for visiting us. You see, we believe you are a gift from God, and we want to make sure you are properly welcomed.